In 2006 we went to the National Specialty in the USA. We were really looking forward to this show because this would be our chance to finally see Bardwoods Black Jack.....: The first time I saw him was in the “Pepper n Salt” magazine 2-3 years earlier and I said that I just HAD TO borrow that dog sometime in the future... since that day we had been following his impressive show career.... So now we finally met - and we fell in LOVE with Jack immediately. The hard work was to convince Pat and Ron Lombardi, but after some talking at the show + emailing + many good friends “over there” speaking very good for us, we finally was approved as temporary owners of Jack:-):-) So Jack was send over to us in March 2007 and stayed here for 1½ year. We loved him with all our hearts we showed him and we had some wonderful puppies out of him:-) Thank you so much Ron & Pat for trusting us this wonderful black male - also here in Europe he proved that black schnauzers can reach very high:-) Now we are waiting for Jack puppies to grow up, so they can follow in their fathers footsteps:-)