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Nussi pictured 1 year old


Nussi’s offspring

Nussi pictured 2½ year old


Grey Tetis New Viktory

*20.05.2004     HD:  A

Owner Denisa Havelkova, CZ

In the summer 2005 Denisa called us and asked if we wanted to borrow Nussi to have 1 litter of puppies on her + show her in Scandinavia... This was great option to get new bloodline into our pepper/salt schnauzers, so we said of cause yes:-) We had seen Nussi earlier that year when we visited Denisa, and we were really happy that she now offered this great option to get puppies out Nussi:-) We had Nussi here for 1½ year and we can only say that she is a super female with perfect temper, and she gives it on to her puppies:-) Thank you so much Denisa for letting us have this lovely female here for a while:-)

Baron Koring

Tuomo Tetis

Mihan Grandi

Pilar Vitas Tetis

Adeliza Pariadiz

Dikris Tetis

Sandi Prays

Grey Tetis European Top Model

Grey Tetis Vinny Puhu

Sweedlines First Big Scoope v. Star

Gloris Enigma Gredzi

Grey Tetis West Lady

Sweedlines First Big Scoope v. Star

Gloris Enigma Gredzi