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Udstillinger / show 2010

Click here or on the pictures to see all from the Specialty + the World Dog Show

WDS2010 front 3

Mohner’s Dark Dare Devil

WDS2010 front 2

Mohner’s Titan

Forår 2010  /  Spring 2010:

WDS2010 front 1

Mohner’s Frisco-Girl

Malmö - SKK International udstilling  //  Malmö - SKK International show

Mohner’s Copycat (p/s): BIM + Cert + CACIB  //  BOS + CAC + CACIB + Swedish Champion + International Champion

Malmö '10 class winner

Mohner’s Copycat winning best female

Malmö '10 BOS

BOB: Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro  //  BOS Mohner’s Copycat

Spicy har fået hvalpe:-)  //  Spicy got puppies:-)  -  Click for info

Cookie har fået hvalpe:-)  //  Cookie got puppies:-)  -  Click for info

Klik her og se vores ny-opdaterede dværgschnauzer sider :-) Click here and take a look at our new-up-dated miniature pages

Vinter 2009-2010  /  Winter 2009-2010:

Haarlev - DSPK klub udstilling  // Danish club show

Mohner’s Titan (ps):  BIR + BIS2  // BOB + BIS2

Mohner’s Santos: Klub cert + Klubchampion  //  Club CAC + Club champion

Lillylaranja (ps): BIM + Cert + Dansk Champion  //  BOS + CAC + Danish Champion

Mohners Copycat (ps): Klub cert  //  Club CAC

Mohner’s opdrætsklasse  //  Mohner’s Breeders class (ps): BIR + Best In Show  //  BOB + Best In Show

Avlsklasse efter // Progeny class out of Mohner’s Outsider In Space (ps): BIR + Best In Show  //  BOB + Best In Show

BOB haarlev feb 2010

BIR Mohner’s Titan  -  BIM Lillylaranja

BIS opdræt haarlev feb 2010

BIS 1 Mohner’s Opdrætsklasse  // Breeders class :-)

BIS2 monty1

BIS 2 Mohner’s Titan :-)

Mohner’s Enigma Effect er død /// Mohner’s Enigma Effect is dead

Fredericia - DKK International udstilling  //  Danish Kennel club International show

Mohner’s Titan (ps): BIR + CACIB  //  BOB + CACIB  +  BIG3

Mohner’s Xavier (ps): Res. CACIB

Mohner’s Epo Effect (ps): Cert  // CAC

Mohner’s Harmony (ps): BIM + Cert  //  BOS + CAC

Mohner’s Spicy (p/s): CACIB

Mohner’s Copycat (ps): Res CACIB

Mohner’s opdrætsklasse  //  Breeders class (ps): BIR  //  BOB + BEST IN SHOW 1

Mohner’s Frisco-Girl (black): BIR + Cert + CACIB  //  BOB + CAC + CACIB

Mohner’s Butterfly Effect (black): Cert + CACIB  //  CAC + CACIB

BIS1 opdræt -Fredericia

BIS breeders class: Titan + Xavier + Copycat + Spicy

BOB: Mohner’s Titan  //  BOS: Mohner’s Harmony

Monty BIG3

3rd Best In Group: Mohner’s Titan

Monty løb big3 fredericia

Mohner’s Titan running for the group placement:-)

Spicy og Cookie er begge gået i løbetid, vi forventer at parre dem begge omkring d. 15. januar - klik for mere info Spicy and Cookie both went into season and they will both be bred around January the 15th - click for more info